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2013 Titles

Broken Lines – The Art & Craft of Poetry by Judith Skillman
Walking the Puppy by Taylor Graham
Me First by Ann Curran

How Long the Night Is by Christine DeSimone
Breaking and Entering by D.R. Wagner
Songs of the Glue Machines by Nick Belardes
her by j/j hastain
I See Hunger’s Children by normal
5150 – A Memoir by Dana Christensen

Earlier Titles

Last Call: The Bukowski Legacy Continues Edited by RD Armstrong
Living Among the Mangled (revised) by RD Armstrong
E/OR – Living Amongst the Mangled by RD Armstrong
Fire and Rain V. 1 by RD Armstrong
Fire and Rain V. 2 by RD Armstrong
On/Off the Beaten Path – Three Road Poems by RD Armstrong
El Pagano & Other Twisted Tales – Short stories by RD Armstrong
The Accidental Navigator by Henry Denander
Catalina by Laurie Soriano
What Looks Like an Elephant by Edward Nudelman
Strong As Silk by Brigit Truex
If It We by Lisa Zaran
Dog Whistle Politics by Michael Paul
Working the Wreckage of the American Poem – Todd Moore Remembered
Born to Be Blue by Tony Moffeit
The Names of Lost Things by Jason Hardung
Because, Just Because by Philip Ramp
Whose Cries Are Not Music by Linda Benninghoff
Down This Crooked Road – Modern Poetry from the Road Less Traveled

by William Taylor, JR; Christopher Robin; MK Chavez; Father Luke; Christopher Cunningham; Hosho McCreash & Miles Bell
A Love Letter to Darwin by Jane Crown
Drive By by John Bennett
Modest Aspirations by Gerald Locklin & Beth Wilson
Steel Valley by Michael Adams
New and Selected Poems by John Yamrus
The Riddle of the Wooden Gun by Todd Moore
Sea Trails by Pris Campbell
The Long Way Home – Ten Years of the Little Red Book series;
Edited by RD Armstrong
Hard Landing by Rick Smith
Crazy Bone by Billy Jones
The Instrument of Others by Leonard J. Cirino