4.25 X 5.5 inches; Saddle Stitched chapbook w/ Fire-engine Red covers; photocopied on white paper interior.
Starting in 1998, The Little Red Book (LRB) series included some of the best poets in the small press including Scott Wannberg (2 titles); AD Winans; Todd Moore (3 titles); Bill Shields; BZ Niditch (2 titles); Will Taylor, Jr; Gerald Locklin (2 titles); normal (2 titles); John Thomas; Philomene Long (2 titles); Lawrence Welsh; Bill Gainer; Belinda Subraman; Alan Catlin; Lyn Lifshin (2 titles); Rob Plath; Larry Jaffe; and RD Armstrong. The series also included several anthologies: Lost Highway – a blues themed collection; Eyes Like Mingus – jazz themed poetry and Maytag Heights – a fundraiser for Habitat For Humanity with the theme of homelessness.
Because of the labor intensive nature of the LRBs and the publisher’s advancing years, this series of books has come to an end (ending at 61 titles).
Scar Tissue A.D. Winans #6
Apology to the Idiots Laura Joy Lustig #7
A Journey Up the Coast RD Armstrong #11
Hang Gliding On X Scott C. Holstad #13
Blood on the Floor Normal #15
ME Hugh/Connie Fox #17
The Iceberg Theory Gerald Locklin #18
No Earthly Sense Gets It Right L. Lerner #19
Blue Collar Work Errol Miller #23
Apollo’s Motorcycle Frank Lonabaugh #24
Familiarities P. Cherin & G. Locklin #33
Queen of Bohemia Philomene Long #34
Cold Eye Burning at 3 A.M. Philomene Long #35
bakersfield 99 Lindsay Wilson #38
Poems of Li Xi Leonard J. Cirino #41
A Gathering Glance Patricia Wellingham-jones #43
Raining All Over Rebecca Morrison #44
American Child Normal #45
The Barbie Poems Vol. 1 Lyn Lifshin #47
The Barbie Poems Vol. 2 Lyn Lifshin #48
Digging My Own Grave Ed Jamieson Jr. #50
Bare Feet, Broken Glass Anita Wynn #53
As If Angela C. Mankiewicz #55
The Mysterious Woman Next Door W.S. Gainer #58
Hesitant Commitments Pris Campbell #59
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The Wren Notebook by Rick Smith
Copyright 2000
68 pages; 6X6 inches, Perfect Bound
ISBN 1-929878-16-8
$10 Retail + shipping
The Long Way Home – Ten Years of the Little Red Books
A sampler of nearly every book in the series and a great way to get to know the poetry/poets in this series…
Copyright 2009
164 pages; 6X9 inch perfect bound Trade Paperback
ISBN 978-1-929878-04-8
$15 Retail + Shipping