PDF Versions
Fire and Rain Selected Poems 1993-2007 Vol. 1 by RD Armstrong; 208 pages. "Armstrong is a powerful blend of urban reality, aging and high art that he never allows to take over and blur his messages.” – Hugh Fox
RD Armstrong reads selections from Fire and Rain in Ventura, CA
Fire and Rain Selected Poems 1993-2007 Vol. 2 by RD Armstrong; 154 pages. "One of the best larger collections by an American poet that this reader has has read in many moons." Doug Draime
On/Off the Beaten Path - The Road Poems by RD Armstrong; 114 pages. "...an excellent introspective journey of a heart and mind." Joyce Metzger
El Pagano and Other Twisted Tales by RD Armstrong; 118 pages. "Stories from one strange dude!"
New and Selected Poems by John Yamrus; 138 pages. "Yamrus gambles with an all or nothing gesture to make the poem and the language his own." Todd Moore
The Riddle of the Wooden Gun by Todd Moore; 144 pages. "The book is a great poem, a good story, an entry in the epic outlaw Dillinger mythology and also a work about where dreams and myth and reality and the poetizing magic of the darkness in us all coincide." David McLean
The Long Way Home edited by RD Armstrong; 164 pages. A sampler of poems published in the first ten years of the Little Red Book series, featuring RD Armstrong, Pris Campbell, Alan Catlin, Patricia Cherin, Leonard J. Cirino, Glenn Cooper, Rene Diedrich, Hugh Fox, Bill Gainer, Scott Holstad, Edward Jamieson Jr., Larry Jaffe, Marie Lecrivain, Frances LeMoine, Linda Lerner, Lyn Lifshin, Gerald Locklin, Philomene Long, Laura Joy Lustig, Errol Miller, Terry McCarty, Angela C. Mankiewicz, Todd Moore, Rebecca Morrison, BZ Niditch, normal, nila northSun, Rob Plath, Bill Shields, Rick Smith, Belinda Subraman, William Taylor Jr., John Thomas, Scott Wannberg, Patricia Wellingham-Jones, Mark Weber, Lawrence Welsh, Harry R. Wilkens, Lindsay Wilson, AD Winans, and Anita Wynn. "A who's who of small/underground press poets."
CDs & DVDs
The San Pedro Poems/CD as read by RD Armstrong. This CD contains the introduction and entire contents as read by the author, with weird background music by The Casiotones.
DILLINGER/CD by TODD MOORE with sound montages by J.A. DEANE (includes a selection from The Corpse is Dreaming, LRB 20).
Live at Gallery 478/DVD
by Michael D. Meloan & The Mountebanks. "Mike
Meloan's work is dark, driven, poetic..." Joe Frank
Sample of the DVD - "My Haunted Boat Ride"
LUMMOX RECORDINGS $10 each (ppd)
LCD 01 Raindog Reads at La Palabra A live recording of Raindog aka RD Armstrong reading in East L. A.
LCD 02 Live at Al's Bar The Casiotones - featuring Raindog on Casio Digi Horn 100; Marshall Astor on Casio Keys and synth; Pete Sims on drums and wind up toys and Phil Ginder on Casio synth guitar and vocalizer; recorded live1998 "You call that music?"
LCD 03 Lung Candy The Casiotones first recording with Raindog on Casio DH 100; Marshall Astor on Casio Sampler and David Holmes on Casio Tonebank Keyboard; recorded live1996 "Atonal Meditations."
LCD 04 No Dead Air The Casiotones - Live on KXLU (Los Angeles) with Raindog, Marshall, Phil and Stephanie Serna doing vocalizations & scat; recorded live 1999 "Not for the faint of heart."
LCD 05 For Lovers & Other Living Things - Music and poetry by Raindog "Lo-Fi home recording at its best"
LCD 06 Poems of the Royal Concubine Li Xi as read by Leonard J. Cirino from LRB #41; includes a copy of the book.
LCD 07 Bombed in New Mexico as read by Mark Weber from LRB #26; includes a copy of the book.
LCD 08 Death and Transfiguration Cocktail as read by Alan Catlin from LRB #40; includes a copy of the book.
All prices include shipping and handling (USA only - unless otherwise indicated). WORLD orders please add 25% to your total. For direct orders via Lummox Press, send Money Order to Lummox c/o PO Box 5301, San Pedro, CA 90733-5301.