A Tree on the Rift


ISBN 978-1-929878-56-7
220 Pages; 6 X 9 Trade Paper

By Bruce Colbert

Since the beginning of time, man has been engaged in a struggle between good/right and evil/wrong. Sometimes we are victorious over our passions and other times we succumb to temptation. Regardless of the outcome, these forces rage on in an inextricable struggle in all of us. It is impossible to quarantine, excise, dissect or suppress our base desires from our lofty aspirations. There is no escape, but there is survival. Bruce Colbert’s A TREE ON THE RIFT tells thirteen different stories in thirteen different locations in the world where people are forced to face their passions, their weaknesses and all to often their immoral, self-centered behavior. These thirteen experiences strike something very visceral in our core. One cannot help being drawn into Colbert’s world. While writers all too often become exhibitionists to their voyeuristic readers as seen in the Bible, The Decameron and The Canterbury Tales, Colbert’s stories allows us to peer through our neighbor’s windows, look in their secret drawers and learn what really goes on in their lives. After all, don’t we really want to do is see what others do when no one is watching? Do we do the same thing? — Louis M. Boxer, M.D.


Bruce Colbert’s A Tree on the Rift, a collection of thirteen short stories, is like a series of snapshots of place and time. Each story has a different location, a different city, and different characters. Several times the protagonist is a Vietnam vet, usually, but not always living at a later time. The protagonists, although with an underlying resemblance, are not duplicative, each is his own character. Some of the stories take place in Vietnam. Cairo, Bangkok, Chicago, Sao Paolo, Budapest, Nairobi; the locations span the world. Colbert’s evocation of place is reminiscent of Lawrence Durrell. The collection’s beginning story, City of the Dead, which takes place in Cairo, stirs memories of The Alexandria Quartet. The story is romantic, suspenseful, and frightening. Casey Dorman, author of “I, Carlos,” and Editor of Lost Coast Review

“Bruce Colbert transports us clear around the globe, from Cairo to Budapest to Nairobi, and excites our international palettes with well-crafted recipes for intrigue and suspense. In his 13-story collection, “A Tree on the Rift,” Colbert’s intercontinental story-telling might appeal to decidedly male readers who have a yen for exotic women, gripping action and dangerous liaisons. Colbert seems to tap a bottomless reservoir of knowledge of his venues, as diverse as Chicago and Vietnam, coupled with exquisite insight into human behavior. This is a must-read!” — Bob Lundin, playwright

Mr. Colbert is available for interviews, readings and book signings. Please contact Lummox Press for more information.

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