Edited by RD Armstrong 150 pages; 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-86-4 This is the reprised version, new and improved, and ready to take up the banner dropped by the old man so many years ago (we just celebrated Buk's 93rd birthday in Aug. of 2013). If you ever wondered what Bukowski spawned by his example, then you need to read this book, which contains poetry, fiction, essays and artwork all inspired by the old dog!
132 pages: 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-90-1
By RD Armstrong
This is the leaner, meaner fighting weight version of E/OR. All the beautiful pieces with none of the fat. -
189 pages; 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-30-7
By RD Armstrong
Near the end of 2008, RD wound up in an L. A. County hospital for 14 days. He nearly lost his right foot to an infection. It was during that time that he was diagnosed with Diabetes. It was a sobering experience (literally!). This collection of poetry and blog entries describes that time period, from the beginning of 2008 (the drunkard's lifestyle) to the end of 2010 (reformed and living right). It includes everything he wrote about that time...the good, the bad and the horribly ugly! A rough-and-tumble look at health-care for the poor and drunken and the questionable coping methods used to get by. -
120 pages; 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-1-929878-98-7
By RD Armstrong
The stories in this slim volume, reflect the influence of Charles Bukowski, whom RD has read extensively. But as was noted by one of his fans, this collection of short stories "Out Bukowski's Bukowski!" These are tales of extraordinary madness. And while they might appear to be autobiographical, they are not, well not really. RD plays pretty fast and loose with the "facts". Better than a cold shower. — Andrea Kowalski
116 pages; 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-99-4
By RD Armstrong
Three poems written about road trips...the lure of the road, the frantic pace of mile upon mile, hour upon hour, the mad rush of the journey between Point A and Point B. Contained in this volume: A Journey Up the Coast; On/Off the Beaten Path; and RoadKill (RD's epic about a 3,000 mile romp undertaken right before Sept. 11, 2001; a 10,000 plus word monster). Ride shotgun with RD as he muses about poets, poetry, friendships forged on hot asphalt and things observed from inside the cockpit of a car hurtling down the interstate at 65 + MPH. -
156 pages; 6X9 size; Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-97-0
By RD Armstrong
Volume two of a two-part set featuring selected poems from 1993 to 2007, including some of RD's 'signature' poems, like "Yardbird Burned", "Sanitized for Your Protection" and "Things I Notice 4". These are poems you might hear him read at one of his many features in the Small Press poetry scene. All the poems in this two volume set were hand picked by RD as his personal favorites. -
210 pages; 6X9 size; Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-96-3
By RD Armstrong
Volume one of a two-part set featuring selected poems from 1993 to 2007, including some of RD's 'signature' poems, like "Eyes Like Mingus", "Pueblo de las Putas" and "Corazon". These are poems you might hear him read at one of his many features in the Small Press poetry scene. All the poems in this two volume set were hand picked by RD as his personal favorites. -
ISBN 9781929878789 40 pages
By RD Armstrong
Thomas K. Armstrong, my father, died in early January 2015, in his sleep of a heart attack. He had suffered, over the past six years, from Vascular Dementia (the lesser-known half of senility, Alzheimer's being the more widely known form). A month before, in Dec. of 2014, I had been to see him. This chapbook contains poems and blogs about that visit and his subsequent death. People deal with the death of a parent in many ways: denial, anger, guilt, bargaining, transference...it goes on and on. Grief has no timetable either so it may take years for that loss to resolve itself (or it may never happen). In my case, I turned to a projection of my dad as a black rabbit. Some might call this transference or an animal fetish; I dunno. -
A collection of poetic "orphans." Poems that had fallen by the wayside because they didn't seem to be anything that anyone would want to have around (hence the "orphan"). The poetry in this collection hopscotches around encompassing the years 1993 to 2016. It represents the forgotten poems from four previous collections: Fire and Rain (Volumes 1 & 2), E/OR and the expurgated version, Living Among the Mangled. Remarkably, many of the poems are still relevant to the concerns that many of us have today. . . perhaps proving that RD is a savvy visionary or (more likely) that the story doesn't change, only the characters do.