Lummox Press

  • 160 pages; 6 X 9 Perfect bound, Softcover ISBN 978-1-929878-49-9 For over 35 years Taylor Graham has been a volunteer search-and-rescue (SAR) dog handler. She and her husband have trained their German Shepherds to find missing people - in Alaska, rural Virginia, and California. She's a veteran of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, the Berkeley-Oakland Hills firestorm, and other disasters, as well as hundreds of searches for lost hunters and hikers, elderly walkaways, victims of drowning, avalanche and homicide. For ten years she edited the National Association for Search and Rescue's SAR Dog ALERT newsletter. With her search dog, she spent two summers as a Forest Service volunteer ranger in the Mokelumne Wilderness. No longer on SAR callout, she still trains her dogs at least weekly; German Shepherds don't understand retirement.
    For my husband, Hatch, who’s had dogs all his life; and for all the dogs who’ve shared our lives and taught us so much — Taylor Graham "If they don't allow dogs in heaven, then I don't want to go!" — Grandpa Armstrong
    Look through a sampling of poems from this book.

    ISBN 9781929878666 46 pages, 6 X 9 paperback
    By H. Marie Aragon
    H. Marie Aragon of Santa Fe, New Mexico has won the 2015 Lummox Poetry Prize with her poem The Dark and Light Side of the Moon. The prize consists of a cash award of $250 and forty copies of a chapbook created by Lummox Press for the author. When Desert Willows Speak is the chapbook. It's 46 pages long and can be ordered from Lummox Press (see the ordering information below). Read a sample from the chapbook here. We hope you will enjoy it.
  • 112 pages; 6 X 9 Perfect Bound, Softcover ISBN 978-1-929878-50-5
    By Rick Smith
    Rick Smith's third book with Lummox Press represents a significant departure from his previous two titles, Hard Landing and The Wren Notebook. In those two books, Smith utilized the diminutive Wren as an archetypal character that represented both bird and human behavior. It was almost a spiritual journey at times...a wonder-filled travelogue with Wren. But things have taken a decidedly darker turn in this collection of poems...instead the wispy wren, fluttering around and having some feathery adventures, has been replaced by a mangy mutt prowling around the back alleys of a bad part of town looking to score some meth or chew on a leg...whichever comes first or seems the most interesting. While Whispering in a Mad Dog's Ear will surprise Smith fans with it's variety of subject matter; his mastery of the poem is still as strong and as true as it has ever been, in fact, in some cases his work is even stronger and more startling in its imagery and language. The only problem with this book is how he will top it in his next collection! Cover art by Llyn Foulkes, entitled Pop, 1985-1990 Layout design by Chris Yeseta  
  • Wildwood

    By Kyle Laws
    ISBN 978-1-929878-73-4 106 pages; Perfect Bound; 6 X 9 inches
    These poems inhabit place—beginning on the Jersey shore; moving to southern Colorado, northern New Mexico, and the wild spaces between; returning to the fringes of seaside resorts by way of New Orleans—telling all the details; using words like paint; layering sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and finally touch; uniting ideas with lyricism to yield connections between past and present, ocean and desert, mountain and river, men and women; unafraid of the trouble and tangle to grow and thrive. “I too have memories of "the shore," so Wildwood brings a rush—like looking into someone else's old photo album— of vivid images, scents, and O, the sounds of voices. Watching the grownups, hearing the histories, and almost too quickly making one's own life story, Kyle Laws' poems move from the shore to other storied places: New Orleans, Taos, Pueblo, St. Augustine, and return full circle to the Cape May milieu she knows so well. They are a guided tour, not only of one family's personal struggle, but the universal quest for understanding how we grow and survive, with the grace to be alive to the world.” — Ruth Moon Kempher, Kings Estate Press
    View a sampler of poems on ISSUU.COM Read an Interview with Kyle here.
  • Edited by RD Armstrong 178 pages; 6X9 sized Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-929878-93-2
    By Todd Moore
    This anthology deals with the passing of Small Press legend and Lummox Press favorite, Todd Moore, who passed away suddenly in March of 2010. Todd was a prolific poet who choose the gangster John Dillinger as his poetic persona. Many of Todd's pals are included in this volume which features poetry and essays about the Co-Founder of the Outlaw School of Poetry. There's also a near-complete bibliography of Todd's books, chapbooks and recordings included. Due to some bureaucratic BS, there is no poetry by Todd Moore in this book. But there are other books and chapbooks published by Lummox Press, most notably, The Riddle of the Wooden Gun which came out in 2009.  That book concerns Dillinger's "mythic" escape from the Crown Point Jail in 1933, supposed using a gun that was carved out of wood...  


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