Lummox Press

  • ISBN: 9780998458069 48 pages Trade/perfect bound Chapbook
    By Gary Jacobelly
  • ISBN 978-0-998458076 108 pages, Trade Paperback
    By Alex Johnston
    For me, writing poetry is like solving, and then creating a puzzle. I see or experience things I know I want to write about, we all do. Figuring out a way to put those experiences on paper, so as to make them readable, is how one solves the puzzle. Avoiding straightforwardness and balancing on a knife edge, between enigmatic and readability, is how one creates the puzzle. I spent nearly three years revisiting, rewriting and re-getting pissed off at, The October Horse. I reference this poem so much because it is also almost entirely autobiographical (as is most of the book). I trudged through problems with addictions, like so many other 20 somethings, and I was maybe one or two bad decisions away from writing this book in prison (lucky me). The poem is so important to me because even when I was in the total animal soup of time (Ginsberg again!), I knew I wanted to write about that chapter of my life. — Alex Johnston
    Read a sampling of poems from this book here. Read an interview with Alex Johnston here.  
  • ISBN 9780998458083 CHAPBOOK - 58 pages
    By Jeannine M. Pitas
    These poems are my grateful response to those who dream. To my own ancestors and family members, without whom I would not be alive to write these words. To the many women who, despite terrible circumstances, have refused to be silenced. To all those people who acknowledge the truth that political borders are nothing but imaginary lines drawn on a map. To those who feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and comfort the afflicted. Thank you so much. Now, more than ever, this world is needful of your compassion and hope. — Jeannine Pitas
  • ISBN 9780999778401 52 pgs. Perfect Bound
    By Gil Hagen Hill
    The past haunts these highly allusive poems, rich with thoughtful, precise images that convey “numinous ambiguities,” as in the title poem. A Circle of Bones is a welcome addition to 21st-century American poetry. — Clifton Snider
  • ISBN 9780999778432
    Poetry Collection
    Speak the Language of the Land is the first of what will be an annual showcase of talented poets, presented by the Lummox Press in conjunction with The LUMMOX Poetry Anthology and the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Prize (courtesy of the estate of Angela C. Mankiewicz and her husband, Richard Mankiewicz). The winners of this year's contest are: Jeffrey Alfier (Torrance, CA), 1st place; Mike Mahoney (Wallingford, PA), 2nd place; and Vachine (Los Angeles, CA), 3rd place. New to the contest are these Honorable Mentions: Donna Snyder (El Paso, TX); William Taylor, Jr. (San Francisco, CA); James Deahl (Canada); and April Bulmer (Canada).


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